We hear a lot these days about the end of the dashboard. After all, displaying KPIs and visualizing data is something everyone can do, right? It is true that monitoring a cockpit of static visualizations won’t differentiate you in today’s market. But there’s a big difference between simple KPI monitoring and deep investigatory analysis supported by a rich, interactive, augmented analytics application.
Uncovering discoveries that inform direction is more important than ever. So how is the dashboard evolving? For one thing, KPIs are moving from lagging to leading, with key driver analysis. It’s becoming both highly contextualized and highly collaborative. Contextualization comes from the ability to create sophisticated alerts for instant insight when data changes. And it comes from AI, which helps associate the data with context, determining where to focus attention at any given moment.
On the collaborative end, the dashboard is evolving into an analytic hub that catalogues insights and distributed data – a place where machine, process, and collaborative intelligence can coexist. This will interweave information producers and consumers, along with folding in external stakeholders when appropriate.