Each country follows their own methodology. For animal feed, No MRL has been proposed but EC recommends to consider default MRL of 0.01 mg/kg (10 ppb) of pesticide;
However, the MRL for each cereals varies; (Ref.: http://ec.europa.eu/food/plant/pesticides/max_residue_levels/eu_rules/index_en.htm).
Like Mycotoxins pesticides also have severe toxic effects on health of Birds.
Main culprit is maize, through which maximum contamination of pesticide is seen.
Pesticide: Carbofuran
Use: During Storage and transportation of Maize
Pesticide: Thiram
Use: Seed Treatment of Maize before sowing
Impact on Birds:
Pesticide: Deltamethrin
Use: Insecticide, During maize storage , before sowing also
Pesticide: Thiamethoxam
Use: Insecticide
Pesticide: Atrazine